Sehr gerne heißen wir in unserem Hostel Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität willkommen und versuchen im Rahmen unserer infrastrukturellen Rahmenbedingungen einen bestmöglichen Aufenthalt zu ermöglichen. Das Palace Hostel ist bedingt durch seine leichte Hanglage von zahlreichen Stiegenelementen gekennzeichnet. Ein barrierefreier Zugang zum Palace Hostel ist somit nicht möglich. Im Rahmen unserer Gegebenheiten versuchen wir unsere Gäste zu unterstützen.


Zimmer und öffentliche Bereiche

Unser Hostel verfügt über folgende öffentliche Räumlichkeiten:
Rezeption, Lobby, öffentliche Toiletten, Restaurant und zwei Terrassen.
Keine dieser Räumlichkeiten ist barrierefrei zugänglich.
Unsere Gästezimmer befinden sich im auf den Ebenen 1 und 2 und sind zum Teil über den Garten auf Ebene 1 barrierefrei erreichbar.


  • Alle unsere öffentlichen Bereiche sind mit Fliesenboden oder Kautschukboden ausgestattet.
  • Unsere Rezeption befindet sich auf Ebene 1 und ist nicht barrierefrei zugänglich. Zwischen 7:00 und 21:00 Uhr steht die Rezeption unseren Gästen zur Verfügung.
  • Lichtschalter sind in allen Bereichen des Hauses auf ca. 1 m Höhe angebracht und somit auch von einem Rollstuhl aus erreichbar.
  • Alle Zimmer verfügen über eigene Duschen. Die Duschen ermöglichen jedoch keinen barrierefreien Zugang.
  • Auf Wunsch stellen wir gerne rutschfeste Unterlagen und Sitzmöglichkeiten für die Duschen zur Verfügung.
  • Die Speisen sind auf einem Buffet zur Selbstbedienung angerichtet.
  • Unsere Aufenthaltsräume sind nicht barrierefrei erreichbar.
  • Unser großzügiger Garten mit Terrasse ist von einigen Zimmern aus eingeschränkt barrierefrei erreichbar.


Erreichbarkeit und Anreise

Als umweltbewusstes Hostel freuen wir uns natürlich wenn Sie das Auto zuhause stehen lassen und öffentlich anreisen. Unser Hostel ist nahezu aus ganz Wien barrierefrei erreichbar und die Bushaltestelle Wilhelminenberg befindet sich nur 300 m vom Hostel entfernt und barrierefrei erreichbar. Mit den Bussen 46A, 46B und der U3 ist unser Hostel von vielen Punkten Wiens aus barrierefrei erreichbar. Eine Eigenanreise im privaten PKW stellt für uns keine Probleme dar. Der hosteleigene Parkplatz steht Ihnen während Ihrem Aufenthalt kostenlos zur Verfügung.


  • Sie erreichen uns mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln barrierefrei von allen wichtigen Verkehrsknotenpunkten innerhalb Wiens. Eine barrierefreie Anreise ist vom Flughafen Wien genauso möglich, wie vom Bahnhof Meidling oder vom Hauptbahnhof. Sollten Sie ein Taxi benötigen können wir dies gerne nach Rücksprache für Sie organisieren.
  • Alle U-Bahnstationen, wie auch 95 % aller Bus- und Straßenbahnhaltestellen in Wien, sind barrierefrei erreichbar. Somit steht einer barrierefreien Stadterkundung, auch ohne eigenen PKW, nur wenig im Wege.
  • Sollten Sie trotzdem mit dem eigenen PKW anreisen, können Sie Ihr Auto auf dem privaten Parkplatz des Palace Hostel kostenfrei abstellen.


Bei zukünftigen Investitionen wird, im Rahmen der wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten, die zusätzliche Schaffung von barrierefreiem Angebot eingeplant und umgesetzt.


Exactly 250 years ago Emperor Franz Joseph decided to open the Viennese Prater to the community making a 6 square kilometre big area open to public. Until this point of time the floodplain area around the Danube located within the borders of todays second district was dedicated to the nobility. Until 1766 the Prater was only open for hunting and an opening for everyone was not welcomed by everyone. Thanks to the ruling of Emperor Franz Joseph the use of the Prater changed substantially. Due to the 250 years anniversary we take a look on the history and present of the Prater and how it is used today.


Starting years

The beginning of the Prater

If one would compare the Prater 250 years ago with today it is nearly impossible to recognize it. 250 years ago the area was dominated by deep forests, wild animals and broad alleys. Even if the Prater was accepted by the locals from the beginning on the look of the area changed a lot over the years. 5 years after the opening to public the visitors could experience more than just green areas for their first time. More than 10,000 spectators visited the first firework show at the prater. Over the following 100 years fireworks were a crucial part of the Prater and inspired the Viennese audience until it was forbidden by law in 1871. More and more facilities were created within the Prater putting it into the centre of the social life of Vienna at these times. From 1783 the Lusthaus was build at the south eastern end of the main alley and quickly turned into a centre of Vienna’s high society. Even the Emperor visited the small building from time to time. Furthermore in the following years three café were developed. In these up to 5,000 persons holding cafés well known composers, amongst other Beethoven, the Strauß brothers or Johann Strauss Son, hosted concerts there. Unfortunately none of the three café survived until today. Two of them burned down during WWII and the third was torn off in 1962. Also with the opening of the Prater carnies moved from the old town to the Prater. While this part of the Prater was soon called “Wurstelprater” the name was changed to “Volksprater” during the time of Biedermeier and was kept by the government until today. However the name “Volksprater” was not accepted by the locals and is only used rarely.


World expo 1873

The Rotunde

For the world expo 1873 the Viennese Prater was extensively changed. The amusement park hat to be shut down and the area were used for the exhibition. Furthermore new buildings and exhibition areas were created. Among the most important planning measures were the constructions of the Vivarium, a show-aquarium, the pavilions, the only left over of the exhibition, and the Rotunde – the biggest domed structure at its time. While the Rotunde was used until a fire in 1937 most of the buildings were destroyed during the fight for Vienna in WWII. Today only the two pavilions close to the stadium remind of the world exhibition.


From 1874

Prater today

At the end of the 19th century the Vienna Giant Wheel, today Vienna’s landmark was built. Thanks to the settling of the Vienna Giant Wheel also other fairground rides were created around the Viennese Prater. Around 1900 the “Venice of Vienna” the first theme park worldwide was established. Thanks to many channels and showman booths the small version was redolent to its Italian original. Over the years more and more fun rides were established and in 1933 the first haunted house worldwide was also created at the Prater. Unfortunately nearly all fun rides were destroyed during WWII. After WWII the amusement park was recreated and it established in its present form. Today the amusement park offers more than 250 fun rides and attracts about 3 million visitors per year. Furthermore you can find Austria’s biggest stadium within the Prater and along the main alley many sport events are held every year. The Viennese Prater is no longer a pourable part of Vienna and even without the Vienna Giant Wheel it would be a sight for itself.



Jetzt zur Frühlingszeit möchte man wieder so viel Zeit wie möglich draußen verbringen. Die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen genießen, sich ins frische Gras legen und die Akkus aufladen und einfach die warme Zeit des Jahres genießen. Für viele gehört zu so einem perfekten Tag auch die perfekte Verpflegung und was gibt es besseres als bei einem Picknick den Tag genussvoll zu verbringen. Doch in einer fremden Stadt weiß man oft nicht so genau wo man denn alles für den Picknickkorb herbekommt und wo man denn die besten Plätze für ein Picknick findet. Wir haben ein wenig recherchiert um euch einen Picknickguide präsentieren zu können. Was wir euch jetzt schon mal versprechen können. Für jedes Hostel haben wir tolle Plätze gefunden.


Lainzer Tiergarten – Österreichische Tierwelt, toller Ausblick und unberührte Natur

Picknicken im Lainzer Tiergarten

Als eines der größten Rückzugsgebiete für Wiens Tierwelt stellt der Lainzer Tiergarten eine Besonderheit im urbanen Wien dar. Hier kannst du mit etwas Glück sogar Rehe, Wildschweine oder Fasane antreffen. In dieser tollen und grünen Umgebung laden Wanderwege und Waldlichtungen zum Wandern und Verweilen ein und bilden die perfekte Grundlage für einen gelungen Picknick-Nachmittag. Für einen entspannten Picknick-Tag können wir dir die Picknick-Körbe von der Hermes Villa empfehlen. Nur einen zehnminütigen Spaziergang vom Lainzer Tor entfernt bietet dieses Restaurant eine tolle Auswahl an verschiedenen Picknick-Körben die man schon ab € 11,90 kaufen kann.

Eine halbstündige Wanderung von der Hermes Villa entfernt kannst du dich auf der Lichtung Wienblick für ein tolles Picknick niederlassen. Wie der Name schon verrät hast du von dort einen tollen Blick über Wien. Das Restaurant Hermes Villa bietet außerdem den Picknick-Fans auch noch einige Spiele zum Verleih an. Du kannst zwischen Boccia, Federball, Würfelspielen und vielem mehr wählen. All die Spiele sind kostenlos und es ist nur eine Kaution zu hinterlegen. Mit all diesen tollen Angeboten bietet dir der Lainzer Tiergarten und das Restaurant Hermes Villa die perfekte Mischung für einen tollen Frühlingstag mit im 13. Bezirk in Wien. Vom Hostel Hütteldorf aus kommst du mit dem Auto in 10 Minuten zum Lainzer Tor. Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln brauchst du ca. 15 Minuten.

Wo: Restaurant Hermes Villa, Lainzer Tiergarten

Wann: Im Frühling und Sommer täglich geöffnet von ca. 8:00 – 20:00 Uhr. (Restaurant Hermes Villa: Dienstag – Sonntag: 9:00 – 19:00 Uhr)

Eintritt: kostenlos

Anreise: Die Hermesvilla erreichst du am schnellsten vom St. Veiter Tor aus. Vom Hostel Hütteldorf Wien nimmst du hierfür zuerst den Bus 53A und dann den Bus 54A bis zur Station St. Veiter Tor.


Wilhelminenberg – Entspannung direkt von der Terrasse aus

Warum den weit weg gehen wenn’s zu Hause am schönsten ist. Direkt vor unserem Palace Hostel Wien hast du den perfekten Picknick-Platz in Wien. Nicht ohne Grund kommen viele Einheimische in den Park um am Wochenende zu entspannen. Sehr gerne bieten wir dir einen Picknick-Korb mit tollen Sandwiches und Getränken. Von unserem Park hast du eine tolle Aussicht über ganz Wien. Umgeben von Weinreben und großen Bäumen hast du aber hier auch noch die tolle Möglichkeit in unseren Liegestühlen zu entspannen. Wo sonst ist dir das möglich? Solltest du auf der Suche nach besonderen Schmankerln in deinem Picknick-Korb sein kannst du dir auch gerne einen Korb bei der Villa Aurora bestellen. Leider ist der mit € 50 nicht gerade billig.

Wo: Wilhelminenberg

Wann: ganzjährig geöffnet

Eintritt: kostenlos

Anreise: Direkt vorm Palace Hostel Wien. Einfach über die Balkontüre in den Park spazieren.


Burggarten – Grüne Oase im Zentrum Wiens

Ein ganz besonderer Picknick-Platz in Wien ist der Burggarten. Als einer der wenigen öffentlichen Parks im ersten Bezirk ist dieser für Picknicken freigegeben. Direkt hinter der Hofburg bietet dieser Park eine tolle Kulisse und ermöglicht es trotz des Rummels rundherum ein wenig abzuschalten. Hier hast du natürlich, dank der zentralen Lage, die Möglichkeit dir deine ganz persönliche Picknick-Kreation zusammenzustellen. Nur wenige Schritte vom Burggarten entfernt findest du einen Supermarkt, viele Restaurants und Fast Food Optionen. Schnapp dir einfach eine Decke oder setz dich aufs frische Grün und genieße ein tolles Picknick mitten in der Stadt.

Wo: Burggarten, direkt hinter der Hofburg.

Wann: ganzjährig geöffnet. (Sommer: 6:00 – 22:00 Uhr, Winter: 06:30 – 19:00 Uhr)

Eintritt: kostenlos

Anreise: Nahe an der U-Bahnstation Volkstheater gelegen. Von dort nur mehr am Kunsthistorischen Museum vorbei. Direkt am Ring. Vom Palace Hostel Wien aus nimmst du die U3 von Ottakring bis Volkstheater. Vom Hostel Hütteldorf Wien aus nimmst du die U4 bis Karlsplatz. Entweder gehst du von dort oder fährst noch eine Station bis Museumsquartier mit der U2.

Spring season – everyone wants to spend as much time as possible outdoors enjoying the first warm sunlight of the year, relaxing in fresh grass and recharging ones batteries. For many of you for such a perfect day also perfect catering is needed and nothing suits better than a great picnic to spend a day full of relaxation and enjoyment. But in a foreign city most of the times you just don’t know where to get a picnic basket from and where the best places for a picnic can be found. We have looked for you in order to offer you a picnic-guide for your stay. We have found great spots for every guest of our hostels – that’s for sure.


Lainzer Tiergarten – Austrian wildlife, great views and intact nature

Picnic at Lainzer Tiergarten

As one of Vienna’s biggest refuge for its wildlife the Lainzer Tiergarten is an exception within urban Vienna. With a little bit of luck you can spot deer, boars or pheasants within the area. In this great, green surrounding hiking paths and forest clearings invite you for a great hike or some relaxation – a perfect basis for a happy picnic afternoon. For a relaxed picnic day we can recommend you to get a picnic basked from the Hermes Villa. Just a 10 minute walk from the Lainzer gate this restaurants offers a great variety of picnic baskets which can be purchased from only € 11,90.

A half an hour walk from the Hermes Villa you can find the forest clearing Wienerblick. This area is a perfect spot for a picnic. The restaurant Hermes Villa offers its picnic fans moreover some games for rent. You can choose from boccia, badminton, dice games and many more. All of these games are for free to rent, only a deposit has to be left at the restaurant. With that great combination of offers the Lainzer Tiergarten and restaurant Hermes Villa offer everything needed for a perfect spring day in the 13th district of Vienna. From Hostel Hütteldorf Vienna you can get there by car within 10 minutes. With public transport its best to take the bus to St. Veiter gate. It takes you about 15 minutes from our hostel.

Where: Restaurant Hermes Villa, Lainzer Tiergarten

When: During spring and summer daily from 8.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m. (Restaurant Hermes Villa: Tue – Sun: 9.00 a-m. – 7.00 p.m.

Entrance fees: free of charge

How to get there: Restaurant Hermes Villa can be reached via the St. Veiter gate. From Hostel Hütteldorf Vienna you take bus 53A and bus 54A until you reach the station St. Veiter Tor.

Wilhelminenberg – Relaxation in front of your terrace.

Luxurious picnic baskets can be purchased at Villa Aurora

Why seek far afield when the good is close by? Directly in front of Palace Hostel Vienna you have one of Vienna’s best picnic spots. Not without any reason many locals visit the park at weekends to relax from everyday routine. We are glad to offer you a picnic basked with delicious sandwiches and drinks. From our park you have a great view on Vienna. Surrounded by vineyards and big trees you have the chance to relax in our loungers. Where else is that possible? If you are in search for a special delicacy you can also order a picnic basket from restaurant Villa Aurora. Unfortunately those are not really cheap with a selling price of € 50.

Where: Wilhelminenberg

When: opened all year round

Entrance fee: free of charge

How to get there: Directly in front of Palace Hostel Vienna. Just open your balcony door and stroll around.


Burggarten – green oasis in the city centre of Vienna

The Burggarten is a very special picnic spot in Vienna. As one of few public parks within the first district it is authorised as a picnic park. Directly behind Hofburg palace this park offers a terrific setting and allows its visitors to relax in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the city. Here you have, due to its great location in the city centre, the possibility to sample your very personal picnic-creation. Just a few steps from the Burggarten you find supermarkets, restaurants and fast food selections. Just grab a blanket or sit down on the fresh green and enjoy a picnic within the city.

Where: Burggarten, directly behind Hofburg Palace

When: opened all year round. (Summer: 6.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m., Winter: 6.30 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.)

How to get there: Close to the metro station Volkstheater. From there only pass the Museum of natural history. Located directly at the Ringstraße. From Palace Hostel Vienan you take U3 from Ottakring to Volkstheater. From Hostel Hütteldorf Vienna you take U4 to Karlsplatz. Either you walk from there or you take U2 for one station to Museumsquartier.

Every year during Easter Vienna awakes from its hibernation. The cold time of the year draws to a close and the foggy streets change to colourful streets dominated by Easter eggs and flower arrangements. Nevertheless not only the streets get more colourful also the people enjoy warmer and longer days and the city’s hustle and bustle is getting more and more. Especially during this time of the year you enjoy strolling through markets, having a sunbath during a walk or breaking the walk with a delicious Easter delicacy. Especially during this time of the year Vienna is a great trip for all visitors. Because on the one hand you can experience the Austrian culture, enjoy the warmer spring days and on the other hand you won’t find as many tourists as during the high season. Plain talking: cheap fares, short queues and a lot culture combined with vernally weather. For this reason we want to provide you with information on the best Easter markets and places within Vienna.

Easter market at the Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace, Easter, Vienna, Hostel Vienna, Easter in Austria

Easter time @ Schönbrunn Palace

The most famous Easter market in the city is only a few minutes away from Hostel Vienna Hütteldorf because the Easter market at the Schönbrunn Palace is like the Hostel Vienna Hütteldorf located at the U4. For our guests at the Palace Hostel Vienna the Easter market is easily accessible by combining a little walk with a ride in the U4. It takes you less than 30 minutes to the Schönbrunn Palace. Directly in front of imperial surroundings you can snatch some souvenirs, taste Austrian specialities or enjoy the great weather in one of the many sitting facilities available at the market. The huge park of the palace is the perfect place for a spring walk or an after-dinner walk and combined with the Schönbrunn Zoo it is a perfect spring day for the whole family. In more than 60 cottages the vendors sell great handcrafts. Whether you search for traditional Easter handcrafts made from wood and felt or you would like to snatch some classy Easter arrangements the 60 stalls offer you a diverse and qualitative product range. The Easter factory has a great offer especially for families. There kids can create Easter arrangements and Marzipan Easter bunnies and take them with them. But the real highlight for all the kids is the annually search for Easter nests on Holy Saturday. All kids have the possibility to take part of a huge search of Easter nests within the palace area. Great gifts and surprises await the finders.

Old Viennese Easter Market at the Freyung

Freyung, Easter, Old Viennese Easter Market, Vienna, Hostel Vienna, Easter eggs

Easter eggs @ Freyung

A real institution within the city centre of Vienna is the Old Viennese Easter Market at the Freyung. Situated within the city hall and St. Stephan’s Cathedral the 47 stalls offer you a great variety of products. Many cultural events at the market stage and Europe’s biggest egg mountain attract every year many visitors. For the small guests a bunny stable was built and a puppet theatre guarantees a varied programme. Especially the great location in the historic centre of Vienna and the amazing framework programme make the Old Viennese Easter Market interesting for both tourists and natives. As the city centre isn’t that big you can leave the metro at different stations to get to the market. If you arrive from Hostel Vienna Hütteldorf you should take the U4 to Karlsplatz and interchange to U1. After one station you can leave the train at Stephansplatz. From there it is only a few minutes walk to the market. If you arrive from Palace Hostel Vienna you can take the U3 directly to Herrengasse. The market is only a stone threw away from the station.

Easter festival at the Prater

Easter, Prater, Easter bunnies, Vienna, Hostel Vienna, Prater Easter, Easter festival Vienna

Meet Easter bunnies at the Wiener Prater

For the fifth time the Easter festival takes part at the Prater on Easter Sunday. During that day Easter bunny and other colourful personalities await you at the amusement park. According to the motto “The Easter bunny is going on” a great and varied programme for young and old is planed. Great live music and the Punch and Judy show are also part of a great programme. A magnificent magician show and a spring parade are the highlights of the day. If you want to take part at this great festival you have to jump on a train on the 5 April. Whether you are at Hostel Vienna Hütteldorf or Palace Hostel Vienna take the U4 or U3 interchange with the U1 and leave at Praterstern. The festival is only 30 minutes away from our hostels!


Every year at the end of winter season the Wiener Eistraum transforms Rathausplatz into Vienna’s sportive epicentre for winter enthusiasts. More than 700.000 visitors came to the Wiener Eistraum last year which make it one of the most successful events of Vienna. Every year the organization tries to improve the event a little bit. Also this year we could see some improvements which we would like to present you today.

Wiener Eistraum from above.

The Wiener Eistraum extends on an area of 8.000 m2. There you got the great opportunity to explore the city hall’s square on ice skates and spent a romantic evening with your sweetheart. Thanks to the great design of the venue the area offers something for everyone. You can try to skate there for the first time and try to learn ice skating or you can show your skills on one of the many tracks. Especially the tiny ice channels through the park area can also be a challenge for experienced skaters. The venue offers you everything you need in order to enjoy your time. 2.000 pairs of skates are available for visitors and they are also heated so you do not freeze ;). If you do not need all your belongings during your time on the ice you can use one of the many lockers and also helmets are available for your kids. They also took care of the catering. Like in the last years the gastronomic concept is based on traditional, regional and organic cuisine. Whether you would like to try Austrian classics like potato dishes, ribs or special pancakes you will definitely find some great food there. Food trucks represent a culinary novelty this year. For the first time Viennese food trucks have the possibility to present their offer. That means more selection and international cuisine for all visitors.

Smoked salmon is also available at the Eistraum

If you are tired of ice skating after a while you can have some fun with some friends at one of the curling facilities. In Austria a special type of curling called “Eisstockschießen” has a long tradition. In the past it was mostly played on frozen ponds and streams but nowadays also the Viennese city dwellers enjoy a game of curling. Similar to normal curling your main aim is to push your stone as close as possible to the target. It’s not very easy of course. Unlike normal curling the target is also moveable which means that also the last shot can change the whole game J. For beginners that is a bit too much strategy and tactics. For us it is all about fun and having a great evening with some friends.


Wiener Eistraum

Where: Rathausplatz, 1010 Vienna

When: daily from 9.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.

Admission fee: € 7,50 per person

How to get there: From Palace Hostel Vienna you can take the U3 from Ottakring to Volkstheater and from there you take U2 to Rathaus. From Hostel Hütteldorf take U4 to Karlsplatz and from there U2 to Rathaus.

Die MarktereiYou want to get to know and taste authentic, regional Viennese food? We got great news for you! Since November you got to do exactly that in the first district of Vienna. “Die Markterei”, an event concept which took place at many venues in Vienna has finally settled and has transferred the “Alte Post” into an amazing weekend market.

Every Friday and Saturday „Markterei“ opens its gates to a delightful world. Different regional grocers present their delicacies and during a chat with them you can learn more about the product. Thereby the product line seems illimitable. The offer reaches from wine, Viennese honey to Viennese escargots. They also take care of entertainment and culinary art. Local manufactories, known Viennese chefs and food trucks from Vienna and its surroundings get together every weekend in order to create a special market feeling for their guests. When it comes to entertainment we should mention that the market has its two faces. On Friday evening DJ-sets, beer- and wine tasting create a good vibe at the Markterei. If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere we recommend you a visit on Saturday. Cause Saturdays is breakfast & brunch day!


Die Markterei

Where: Dominikanerbastei 11, 1010 Vienna

When: Every Friday & Saturday until Mid of April

Fri: 3.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. (gastronomy: 12.00 p.m.), Sat: 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. (gastromomy: 10.00 p.m.)

Entry fee: Free

More information:

How to get there: From Hostel Hütteldorf take U4 to Schwedenplatz. From there it is a 3 min walk. From Palace Hostel take U3 to Stubenring. From there it is a 4 min walk.

In Austria Christmas is the most important family celebration of the year. Usually the whole family gets together and celebrates Christmas under one roof. Normally some traditions are developed and kept during Christmas. Thereby Christmas dinner takes in a crucial role. Even if it differs from family to family there are some classic dishes which can be associated with Christmas. This year we would love to present you some of the most important ones. With our recipes you can easily try to cook them at home as well.


Stuffed Christmas goose with red cabbage

Christmas goose

One of Austria’s most famous Christmas dinner is definitely the Christmas goose. In fact this dish is a load of work and you need some experience to keep the meet juicy but if you serve it and everyone is cherry-picking the best pieces you know it was worth the effort. With our recipe we go for the traditional version served with stuffing and red cabbage. This is one of the most time consuming ways to cook your goose. If you have less time you can also serve convenience croquettes.

Stuffed Christmas goose

gooseFirstly you have to prepare the stuffing. Therefore you cut the onions into really small pieces und fry them in a pan. Add the parsley and stir shortly. Take the pan from the heat.

In the next step you cut in the chestnut and boil them in water until they are soft. Let them cool down and cut them into small pieces.

Cut the buns into small pieces and mix them with the onions, cream, eggs and egg yolks and season with salt and pepper. If the mixture is too soft you can add some white bread crumbs. If it is too hard just add some milk.

Heat up the oven to 220 °C. Cut off pinions, neck and big fat pads inside and season with salt and pepper. Stuff the goose with the mixture and sew the open end with a butcher’s string. If your goose is very greasily you should recess the goose with a fork. Fill your pan with water for 1 cm and add the goose with the chest facing the bottom. Roast the goose for 15 minutes.

Then you change the temperature slowly until it reaches 160 °C. Roast it for two hours. Sprinkle it from time to time with its own meat juice. After an hour you should turn the goose. If only clear juice spills out after recessing the goose it is well done.

Cut up the goose and keep the stuffing warm. Thicken the sauce with flour. Heat your oven to the maximum and roast the goose pieces until they are crispy. Serve it with the stuffing and the meat juice.

Red cabbage

redcabbageCut the red cabbage into half, remove the stalk and cut it with a vegetable shredder. Peel and stone the apples rub it with a vegetable shredder.

Mix cabbage, apples, vinegar, apple juice, wine and cowberry jam with cloves and bay leaves. If you have the time let it rest for the night.

Cut the onion into thin slices and fry it. Add sugar and wait until it gets brown. Add the mixture and steam it for 40 minutes.

Remove the cloves and bay leaves and season with salt and pepper.


Christmas carp with potatoes and vegetable

Traditional carp in the oven

A comparably simple but delicious dish is the classic Christmas carp. The carp is a fresh water fish with very strong, white meat. Therefore it perfectly suits for roasting. Just a hint: it is not the original recipe but very yummy – serve some lemon risotto.

CarpCook the potatoes for 20 minutes with the peel until they are half done.

Wash the carp and remove the scurf. Baste with lemon juice and keep it cold.

Wash the vegetable and cut it into slices. Season the carp with salt and pepper and put the potatoes into the carp’s chest.

Put the fish into the pan and add butter. Add wine, vegetables and the remaining potatoes. Put a lid on the pan and cook it for 1 hour at 180 – 200 °C. Put the carp on a big plate and serve it with the potatoes and vegetable.


Bratwurst with sauerkraut and roasted potatoes

Roasted sausages with sauerkraut

Another Christmas classic for dinner is sausages with sauerkraut and potatoes. The bratwurst – fried sausage – has a long tradition in Austria and it is eaten with many different side dishes all year round. We decided to go for the balanced dish with roasted potatoes. You can also eat buns or salted potatoes instead. However sauerkraut is a must ;). You have to fry the sausages for a few minutes on medium heat until they turn brown.


Sauerkraut1Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage and it is served to a lot of dishes in Austria. Especially during the winter Sauerkraut was eaten a lot as it contains many vitamins and can be stored for a long time. However the fermenting process takes about 4 weeks. That’s why you can buy sauerkraut at every supermarket in Austria. But for perfect sauerkraut you should always refine the packaged one from the supermarket.

Firstly cut onion and bacon into small pieces. Fry it with some oil and garlic in a pan and add sugar. Add the beef broth, juniper berries, bay leaves and cumin and season with salt and pepper. Wash the sauerkraut, put it in the pan and simmer it for an hour.

Roasted potatoes

Roasted potatoesCook potatoes with the peel. Shortly before they are done you take them out, peel it and cut into 5mm thick rings.

Finally cut the onion and heat up with some garlic in the pan. Add the potatoes and roast it until the potatoes turn brown and crispy.

Season it with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cumin.





Last but not least we wish you happy cooking and Merry Christmas from Austria!


Beer Week in VIenna – only until Saturday!

It’s not the Beer Week organizers only goal to bring all the big breweries of the country together. They have a special focus of bringing a whole collection of beers from all around the country together. The event is thereby focused on the heritage of Anton Dreher, the inventor of the lager beer. At different locations one can participate in workshops, presentations, talks and of course tastings. So visitors can learn about beer, brewing and the multifaceted beer offer in Austria. We are especially looking forward to all the small exhibitors, creative breweries and medium sized family run breweries which love to convey their understanding of beer, ignoring mass production and commerce.Austria is famous for its long beer traditions and has kept them until today. Every year Austrians drink 104 litres of beer on average and therefore have the third highest beer consume per capita in Europe. But in Austria beer is more than just a drink. You drink it, if you celebrate, after a long day at the office, complimentary to a great meal, you use it for cooking and even as a household remedy you can find beer in every household in Austria. The history of Austrian beer dates back for a long time. Already 1229 the country’s first brewery was founded in Upper Austria. In the 19th century Vienna experienced its beer bloom. More and more breweries were founded and the selection of beer seemed endless. Today many things changed and Vienna’s big breweries either disappeared or left Vienna. In the meantime the big breweries of the country are now scattered all around the country. However for the organizers of the Beer Week this was no reason to invite them all to Vienna, the beer capital of the past. During a week long assignation of Austria’s beer brands the visitors can really enjoy a lot of different beer flavours.

Countless sorts of beer at the Bierfest

If you can’t get enough of the beer week and beer we can also recommend you the Craft Beer Festival. Of course they scheduled their events simultaneously and during this weekend both events take place. From 20th to 21st you will get a golden yellow surprise at the Anker-Expedithalle. Hand made beers and unique tastes are in the focus. More than 70 breweries from 12 countries present their creations and let you recognize how diversified the beer industry really is. Beers from Ireland, Hungary, Belgium and the United States but also from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic are on display and ready to be tasted by the thirsty crowd.

This weekend is characterized by the Beer Week. Therefore there is only one destination for every beer lover this weekend – Vienna!


Spätestens wenn sich die Blätter bunt färben und der Morgennebel eine mystische Stimmung schafft dann weiß man, dass der Herbst beginnt und die heißen Sommertage zu Ende gehen. Gleichzeitig versucht die Sonne zu dieser Zeit noch einmal mit den warmen Sonnenstrahlen am Nachmittag den Sommer zurückkommen zu lassen. Spätestens wenn sie jedoch untergegangen ist und die Wien in die kühle Abendluft gehüllt wird ist es ganz sicher Herbst. Genau zu dieser Zeit verspüren wir das Bedürfnis noch die letzten warmen Stunden in freier Natur zu verbringen bevor man sich zur kalten Jahreszeit vor dem Kamin und in den dicken Decken einnisten muss. So sieht man meist zu dieser Zeit wie Familien gemeinsam eifrig bunte Blätter und Kastanien sammeln und man noch ein wenig Sport treibt oder bei einem Spaziergang die frische Luft genießt. Ist man dann auf einer Städtereise in Wien kann das schnell mal schwierig werden. Man möchte doch so gerne die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt erkunden aber irgendwie doch nicht die letzten schönen Tage umgeben von Beton verbringen. Für unsere Gäste bietet dabei das Palace Hostel den idealen Ausgleich aus zu den beiden so konträr wirkenden Aktivitäten. Denn am Wilhelminenberg gelegen kann man bei einer Wanderung am Wilhelminenberg genau diese beiden Aktivitäten vereinen. Entlang des Stadtwanderwegs 4a ist es dir möglich neben dem Brunnenmarkt und den Szeneecken Ottakrings auch das natürliche Wien kennenzulernen.


Kuffner Sternwarte

Wir beginnen dabei unsere Wanderung natürlich am Palace Hostel Wien und machen uns zuerst auf den Weg zu den Weinbergen der umliegenden Winzer. Wir durchstreifen bei unserer Wanderung die Weingärten des Winzers Leitner und können dabei den Blick über Wien genießen. Über den Paulinensteig gehen wir weiter in Richtung Ottakringer Friedhof. Der Ottakringer Friedhof mit seinen von Moos überwucherten Grabsteinen, seinen einzigartigen Grüften und den unzähligen Ehrendenkmälern ist nicht nur zu Halloween sehenswert und bei einem Spaziergang über das Areal lässt sich die Geschichte des ältesten Friedhofs Wiens gut erahnen. Wir verlassen den Friedhof wieder über den Ausgang an der Johann Staud Straße und wandern nur wenige Schritte zur Kuffner Sternwarte. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erbaut galt das heute unter Denkmal stehende Gebäude bald als eine der renommiertesten Sternwarten seiner Zeit. Viele bekannte Astronomen verweilten zu dieser Zeit zu Forschungszwecken in Ottakring und in der Kuffner Warte. Die Warte verfügt noch heute über ihr damals installiertes Werkzeug und kann besucht werden. Der Eintritt ist frei jedoch freut man sich wenn doch eine kleine Spende vor Ort gelassen wird. Nach einer kurzen Besichtigung ging es für uns den Wilhelminenberg wieder hinauf in Richtung Feuerwache Steinhof. Wir wählten jedoch nicht den direkten Weg sondern besichtigten am Weg noch die außergewöhnliche Kirche am Steinhof, eine von Otto Wagner entworfenen und dem Jugendstil entsprechende Kirche inmitten der Parkanlage. Von dort ging es für uns über die Steinhofgründe wieder zurück zur Feuerwache. An der Feuerwache angekommen spazierten wir entlang der Straße zurück zum Palace Hostel Wien. Nach einer langen Wanderung hatten wir uns eine Stärkung verdient. Wir entschieden uns dazu die Villa Aurora aufzusuchen um im Garten bei typisch Wiener Küche den Tag ausklingen zu lassen.